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Study of Iron Age Pottery

A Phd researcher from the University of Kent has been looking at our Iron Age pottery
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Study of Iron Age Pottery

Maidstone Museum
13th Aug 2015
By Maidstone Museum

A Phd researcher from the University of Kent at Canterbury’s School of European Culture and Languages, has been looking at our Iron Age pottery finds from the fascinating sites of Oldbury and Bigbury Hill Forts in Kent. He is re-evaluating the pottery, most of which is in small, broken sherds. This research follows extensive geophysics of the sites using modern techniques. He is also making comparisons to material found more recently at Bigbury to understand the construction and settlement of the areas.

The finds from the collection which he reviewed included material from Bigbury found in 1887, as well as later excavations at Bigbury in 1933-4 and 1978-80, and Oldbury in 1938 and 1983-4.