Curiouser & Curiouser

Friday 25 February to Saturday 25 June 2022

For this, our Fourteenth Kent University Foundation Degree in Fine Art, a collaborative partnership with Maidstone Museum, we present this online catalogue.

Images and statements from the students can be accessed by the QR code sited within the cabinets in the Museum.
Working together with the Museum staff and the Kent University Fda specifications, the students have produced intriguing artworks generated by the myriad of ideas gleaned from the Museum collections and their histories.

These artworks are exhibited within the larger collection of the Museum’s colour themed “Cabinets of Curiosity”.
The students and ourselves would like to thank the Maidstone Museum staff for their continuous support and enthusiasm.

And to Owen Boyd at North Kent College for enabling us to photograph the work for this catalogue.

Pernille Holm-Mercer  & Jane Hamilton
Course Tutors
North Kent College
Brook Street
01732 358101